The Homeroom of Life

Friday, December 19, 2014

Merry Christmas!

December has been a wonderful month.  We have done some really fun activities.

We had a holiday craft activity with some homeschool families.  I helped the kids make Olaf snowmen.  They were able to do many holiday crafts and meet some new people.  It was a fun experience.

Aaron was able to sing in church with some other men in the ward which was really nice to hear.
He was also able to go see the Nutcracker with us which is a rare experience.

We made a Jesus Birthday Box and have been busy filling it with things we have done in his name through the holiday season.  We were able to share goodies with our neighbors and serve one another in our home.  It has helped keep our mind focused on loving others and service.  It has brought us a lot more joy this Christmas season.

We don't have any snow this year.  That was a surprise in comparison to last years almost blizzard weather.

We are enjoying our Christmas traditions of making cookies, pumpkin bread,  pies, and plan to go see the holiday lights at Winding Brook this year.  We have also been practicing, playing, and singing a lot of Christmas music.  The girls and I have learned a few songs on the guitar and sing a lot of them as I play the piano.  Music has such a wonderful place in our home.  It brings a lot of peace and joy into our lives.  It brings the Christmas spirit into our hearts.

The girls just finished their last Gymnastics class until after the holidays.  We are just going to relax the next few weeks and enjoy the fact that Aaron is not On Call right now.  Happily he even has Christmas day off.  We are blessed.


It snowed one time and melted.

He looks cozy.

Aubrey excavated all her rocks.

Getting ornaments out for decorating.

Decorating the tree.

The kids got Peanut their gerbil a present for his birthday.

Reading Calvin and Hobbes.  Autumn was still sick.

Jellybean story while eating Jellybeans.

The Olaf Snowman for the Christmas craft activity.

Autumn helping me cook.


The Olaf Craft bags.

He's a happy snowman!

Aubrey's diorama trees.

Autumn's injury from gymnastics

my #sharethegift

Making and eating some cupcakes.

Our Jesus Birthday Box.

The Nutcracker!

Family Medicine Christmas party!

Autumn finished Mr. Poppers Penguins.  So we made some little penguins.

Our Holiday Haven!